
Before / after


Before / after

Mould to the ceiling, a source containment was installed until invasive works were approved, after approval, the plasterboards were cut and HEPA vacuum (treatment for mould remediation) was performed, and another source containment was installed to increase the treatment effectiveness.

Water damage from storm water in bathroom, all ceiling plasterboards had to be removed, HEPA filter vacuum performed and a full containment installed to isolate area.

Wall in bedroom had high humidity levels due to a recent storm, the render had to be removed and dehumidifiers had to be installed to lower humidity levels, floor protection was required to avoid damage to floors.

Mould in wall cavity due to high humidity levels as this wall is adjacent to the bathroom, humidity levels caused active mould growth, and treatment, cleaning and encapsulation was required, equipment was installed to improve drying process, and a full containment installed to accelerate the drying process and to avoid contaminants to spread to the rest of the property.

Sewage water flooded bathroom, laundry, hallway and bedrooms, causing great damage to the floor and leaving odour in the property. Carpet had to be removed and floors and rooms needed disinfection and treatment, hallway floor had to be removed and fogging treatment was applied to remove odour.

Mould in wall cavity due to high humidity levels as this wall is adjacent to the bathroom, humidity levels caused active mould growth, and treatment, cleaning and encapsulation was required, equipment was installed to improve drying process, and a full containment installed to accelerate the drying process and to avoid contaminants to spread to the rest of the property.


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